
How we turned team building into a fine art

May 17, 2019

Discover how making a mosaic united the Lindal team

The historic Ravenna mosaics from the 5th century; the contemporary glass mosaic on the Villa Harvey Mandel building in San Diego and Gaudi’s most famous work, and still in construction, La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

All these are hugely different in what they symbolise and how they look, yet strikingly similar in how they were made; with unique shapes and materials, piece by piece, with time, attention to detail and with all segments working towards an impressive result.

Mosaic art may seem radically different from the technical and scientific projects that characterise the work we do at Lindal, yet the way we produce our end results is fundamentally, the same.

A recent team building day saw the LINDAL Sales and Technical Sales team working together to produce our group logo in the form of a mosaic. Instrumental in getting the job done were LINDAL CEO, Francois-Xavier Gilbert and CFO, Manfred Schnor, who joined the activity. The experience also impressed upon the team just how important each of our contributions are in producing exceptional results for customers, however different the role, skill set, or area of expertise.

Global Marketing Manager, Kashif Choudhry said: “The process of creating the mosaic was very constructive for all of us. It highlighted the importance of everyone’s efforts and emphasised the time, and energy that every individual at LINDAL adds to our overall results. In the end, we think we produced quite a respectable masterpiece!”